2018/09~2021/09 南京大学 材料科学与工程专业 博士
2012/09~2015/06 桂林电子科技大学 机械工程专业 硕士
2008/09~2012/07 燕山大学 过程装备与控制工程专业 学士
2023/03~至今 南京工业大学 讲师
2021/11~2023/01 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 博士后/中科院特别研究助理
2017/01~2018/08 南京大学 研究实习员
2015/07~2016/12 桂林电子科技大学 助教、讲师
1. 柔性电子与可拉伸器件
2. 可穿戴/可植入器件智能互联
3. 柔性功能器件及应用
1. 国家重点研发计划(课题任务), 2022YFF0706500, 脑机接口电极定位成像研究, 2022/11 ~2026/10, 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金, 61704074, 具有力学性质梯度的复合硅橡胶薄膜及其在可拉伸电子器件中的应用研究, 2018/01~2020/12, 主要参与
1. Zhang Kuikui; Kong Shixiao; Li Yanyan; Lu Minghui; Kong Desheng ; Soft elastomeric composite materials with skin-inspired mechanical properties for stretchable electronic circuits, Lab on a Chip, 2019, 19(16): 2709-2717.
2. Zhang, Kuikui; Zhang, Jiaxue; Wang, Fenfang; Kong, Desheng ; Stretchable and Superwettable Colorimetric Sensing Patch for Epidermal Collection and Analysis of Sweat, ACS Sensors, 2021, 6(6): 2261-2269.
3. Jiachen Wang; Kuikui Zhang; Jing Wang; Menghu Zhang; Yunlei Zhou; Jing Cheng; Desheng Kong ; Strain-invariant conductance in an elastomeric nanocomposite mesh conductor for stretchable electronics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8: 9440-9448.
4. Zhang, Xinxin; Zhou, Anwei; Hu, Gaohua; Li, Yanyan; Zhang, Kuikui; Liu, Bing; Ning, Xinghai; Kong, Desheng ; Solution-based fabrication of mechanically transformative materials for implantable applications., Biomater Sci, 2021, 9(20): 6950-6956.
5. Wang Jiachen; Yang Sennan; Ding Peitao; Cao Xiangyu; Zhang Yue; Cao Shitai; Zhang Kuikui; Kong Shixiao; Zhou Yunlei; Wang Xiaoliang; Li Dongchan; Kong Desheng ; Omnidirectional Printing of Soft Elastomer for Liquid-State Stretchable Electronics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(20): 18590-18598.
6. Tian, Y.;Zhou, C.; Zhang, K.; Yang, H.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Wei, X.; Tao, T. H.; Sun, L. Self-stretchable Christmas-tree-shaped Ultraflexible Neural Probes, The 22nd International Conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 25-29 Jun. 2023.
7. Ye, Y.; Tian, Y.; Wang, H.; Cheng, Q.; Zhang, K.; Wang, X.; Zhou, C.; Xu, C.; Wei, X.; Zhou, Z.; Tao, T. H.; Sun, L. In Flexible Bi-directional Brain Computer Interface for Controlling Turning Behavior of Mice, 2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 15-19 Jan. 2023; 2023; pp 33-36.
张奎奎; 孔德圣; 一种基于移动终端拍摄比色法的汗液多成分含量和酸碱度同时检测方法, 2021-7- 30, 中国, CN202011355927.9